Seeing more than one blob on the ultrasound screen can be a real shock..
We get that. Absolutely and unequivocally. Shock and joy mixed into one big wide-eyed WOW.
And you start wondering, "how are we going to manage this?"
Buggies, clothes, capsules, nappies, cots.. and that's just the "stuff". The logistics of two or more babies at once can be a little mind-blowing.
Never fear: we are here to help, we have been there, we have survived. Mostly.

Member benefits for parents-to-be and new parents include:
Supportive antenatal and postnatal information from a registered midwife, provided on a Sunday morning, roughly every 2-3 months.
Best attended prior to 30 weeks' pregnancy.
Expectant members can ask to be assigned a buddy from within our existing member network. They will then act as a point of contact for you to meet up with, ask questions, and receive personal support.
A free box of Huggies newborn size nappies is provided after your multiples are born, direct to your door! Please email our membership secretary with birth date and weights so that she can place the order quickly.
New members are entitled to booklets filled with professional information on multiple pregnancy, the first year, and feeding. MNZ also has factsheets regarding government assistance.
Multiples Canterbury does not list or endorses any individual midwife. You are more than welcome to discuss your options with your GP, friends, and on our Facebook page, however.
The NZ College of Midwives (NZCOM) also has a guide of what to look for in a midwife, and whether or not you have already chosen someone by the time your multiple pregnancy comes to light, these questions (adapted from an NZ College of Midwives pamphlet) are worth asking to get a better idea of what comes next in terms of your care.
Is your practice reviewed annually through the New Zealand College of Midwives’ Standards Review Process.
How many multiple pregnancies have you cared for?
How many women do you book each month? (NZCOM recommends 4-6 per month).
Who is your midwife partner?
Will your partner provide back up and how do you work together?
When will I have the opportunity to get to know her as well?
What birthing options do you offer?
If consultation with an obstetrician or specialist is required, what are my options and the costs involved?
Where do you provide antenatal visits?
What kind of antenatal care can I expect?
What are your beliefs about pregnancy and birth?
Labour and Birth:
What birthing options do you offer for multiples?
What hospitals do you have access to?
Do you come to my home in labour?
What equipment do you carry?
If while in labour I need care from an obstetrician, how will it be arranged?
Under what circumstances would my care be handed over to the hospital staff?
If I need an induction, epidural or C-section will you continue to provide my care?
If my labour is long who will relieve you?
Is there any differences in the hospital process when dealing with the birth of multiples and what can we expect?
After the Birth:
How often do you visit after the birth?
How many weeks do you visit after the birth? (NZCOM recommends up to 4 to 6 weeks following the birth).
If I need to be in hospital for a few days after the birth, will you visit me there?
What will your role be?
Do you refer to other health professionals and support groups? For example: Plunket, La Leche League, General Practitioners, Multiple Birth Clubs.